Istanbul Airport is the connection point for many airline companies. Every day, tens of thousands of passengers struggle to catch their transit flights.
Especially passengers with little flight experience, the elderly, or those who cannot speak a foreign language have difficulty changing terminals and finding their departure flight gates.
We have prepared an international to international transfer guide exactly for these passengers.
First of all, when planning your flight, try to ensure that there is at least 2-3 hours between your transit flights. This may not be possible sometimes. But if you have a choice, definitely choose it.
In this case, you will experience less stress while finding your way around Istanbul airport or waiting in line for security control. By the way, if you are going to continue with the same airline or if you do not have any check-in luggage and your boarding card in hand, you do not need to go through passport control, you will just pass through the security checkpoint between the two terminals.